Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The College Life

Amidst everything else that goes on during your time in college, it's sometimes easy to lose sight of the end goal: graduation. But when you finally do have that diploma in hand, what will it mean? What will you have truly learned and done?
Academic success comes in many forms. For most students, it's a stellar transcript that opens doors into great jobs or great graduate schools. For others, academic success also includes what happens outside of the classroom. With so much going on in college, though, how can you make sure you're headed down a path toward true academic success -- and toward a truly rewarding college experience?

You may arrive at college knowing that you are destined to become a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer. Or you may arrive not having the slightest idea about what you want to major in.
No matter which end of the spectrum you're on, however, you should let yourself explore everything that your school has to offer academically. Take classes in a subject you've never taken before. Follow a passion that doesn't relate to your major. Just let yourself really learn from your environment.

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